We Are One - A Water Ceremony Vision
Whilst in ceremony during a Water Ceremony and Storytelling Event I found myself on a journey, swimming alongside a gentle blue whale elder. “We are the Ocean, for we are one. The Ocean is us, for we are one. We are the waters. We are the clouds. We are the rain. Father Sun calls the waters into the sky, so they can return to Mother Earth, nourishing her, healing and cleansing her, thus nourishing us, cleansing us, healing us, for we are one.” I saw a battlefield, a sea of blood and Father Sun called the blood into the sky. The blood became the rain, nourishing Mother Earth, nourishing us with blood spilt and cries of pain. For we are one. I saw violence, a hand inflicting pain, and Father Sun called the tears into the sky. The tears became the rain, nourishing Mother Earth, nourishing us with screams of pain. For we are one. I saw compassion, gentle hands, caressing, loving, embracing, and Father Sun called the tears of joy into the sky. The tears became the rain, healing and mending Mother Earth, healing and mending our hearts with love unconditional. For we are one. We are one. We are the boon. We are the bane. We are the heart. We are the mind. |
I saw compassion, gentle hands, caressing, loving, embracing, and Father Sun called the tears of joy into the sky. The tears became the rain, healing and mending Mother Earth, healing and mending our hearts with love unconditional. We are the soul. We are the spirit. We are one. We swam out into the ocean of stars and I saw a giant tear drop slowly falling down on Mother Earth. “This tear is of our creation.” I saw floods of times past, the raging waters of our own creation. “This tear is of our own creation. It is us. For we are one.” We are the laughter. We are the pain. We are the healing. We are the storm. We are the flood. We are the medicine. We are one. Kristin Raphaela Otti |