When writing a good story and developing the characters and the plot, do research. I once wrote a story revolving around a – no pun intended – revolver. I used a word I thought to be a synonym for it, “pistol”, in and between. An observant reader pointed out that they are not the same. It turns out that pistols are straight shooters whilst revolvers go in circles.
If you are a change manager, get to know the organisation and people you are dealing with, the culture you are entering and the moral codex established. Make sure, albeit, that you do not enter leading a parade and demanding fanfares, instead come in quietly, observe, listen and let people tell you their story in their own words, interactions with each other and yourself, reactive and responsive behaviors and patterns. You might be surprised to see the who is who, when the masks worn at the “Game of Thrones” themed corporate fancy dress parties fall and no, you do not have to get a degree in Change Management to educate yourself on this kind of game. Simply read George R. R. Martin’s “Game of Thrones”-series. When collecting stories, teachings of wisdom, fairy tales, folk songs and myths, go to the root and find the source, the storytellers telling their stories in their original languages. You might be surprised to get to know how much one slight mishap while translating a story can change it. While I was studying in Sweden, one of my professors – he taught Swedisch language history – mused about young women suddenly turning into virgins suiting the translator’s agenda. Said translator was known for his hatred of women.
A lot can be lost in translation and there are so-called “false friends” in the vocabularies of language families that can change a story completely. Take the English word “gift” which means “a present”, “something given without expecting anything in return”. Imagine for a moment that you have decided to learn German and stumble across the word “Gift”. Your mind says, “I know that one! It means present.” In your enthusiasm you decide to present your best friend from Germany, your grandmother who has a German ancestor or your cat, a rescue from Germany, with a German “Gift” coming from the heart, merrily shouting, “Da ist ein Gift für dich!” and they simply stare at you with big eyes, refuse to accept it and cut off all contact with you. First now you do your research and find out that gifts in English and German are not quite the same. The German word “Gift” means "poison" or "venom". Surprise! What may come as a bigger surprise is that they are the same word, spoken from the heart or abused in a different way throughout their history: One turned into a present, the other one into poison. So be wary of what gifts you accept in your life and look at the story behind them. |
It is also important to know that when you knock at my door I will ask questions. Some will seem to be utterly stupid, but they do serve a purpose. In communication and storytelling clarity only comes, when there are no holes to be filled by assumptions and a racing mind trying to explain something that has thrown it for a loop either by omission, a flat out untruth or the unwillingness to call a spade for a spade like in “The Emperor’s New Clothes” written by Hans Christian Andersen. Plot holes and gaps to be filled in later are a great tool to create suspense and thrilling stories but also to craft illusions and disguise a wolf as a sheep or paint a guppy as a great white shark.
“Mind the gap!” was an advice given to me by one of the great storytellers, Neil Gaiman, who - the reason for it being entirely his own – wrote it down when signing a copy of “Neverwhere” for me at the book fair in Frankfurt twenty years ago. I had drawn a book inlay for a German bookstore for an anthology of stories taking place in the “Lord of the Rings” universe. I had depicted a hobbit smoking a pipe while resting under a tree. Now the mind starts spinning its own stories, doesn't it? Does she know him personally? Are they on first name basis? Does she have his number? Does he know who she is? The answer to all of those questions is no. You read me right. No. It was simply a bumping into each other, an advice given and a life touched. And even if the chances of him reading these lines are slim to none: Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Neil Gaiman, for the advice given! One of the teachings of the Eagle is to be mindful of who you let into your inner circle, your sanctuary. So if you wish to join the Circle of Spirits on Animal Wisdom Speaks, simply know that I will ask questions, stupid ones being my specialty, and do my research whilst enjoying boatloads of coffee.
If you wish to take a seat among the storytellers and artists on Animal Wisdom Speaks, contribute and tell your stories in your original language, send me a message via e-mail. I am looking forward to listening to your story! And no, money, fame and fortune are not requirements to be welcomed in the circle. This is not a fancy dress party where the best mask gets the prize. Sometimes the greatest illusionists hide behind a big name, money, fame and fortune, whilst the biggest of hearts can be found wandering this realm in torn clothes with empty pockets. You are the gift in all you are, your talents, the skills you are developing, your heart. Dare to write and send a message. You are enough. Kristin Raphaela Otti |
Never play with a soul. Zero tolerance of mobbing, backstabbing, gossip, bullying and bossing.
No-one is bigger than the other, no-one is smaller. We are equals.
No name bears more weight than another.
This is a circle. Leave your title at the gate when taking your seat.
A circle is as big or as small as need be. There is no need to take someone else's seat.
You are the gift. You are enough.
Kristin Raphaela Otti
The Founder