Animal Wisdom Speaks - Month of the Lion
The Lion and the Lioness are protectors and guardians that lead with grace and dignity, justice and honor, for they know that power comes with responsibility: A leader is not the one getting everything served on a silver platter eating first, a leader is the first servant of the people and the pride he or she has been entrusted with.
Lion leads with compassion and courage, yet knows, when to roar and stand his ground. He is a leader that makes others stronger and does not rule and control by inducing fear, he leads by nurturing the fires in the hearts of the members of his pride, so every single one of them is walking tall and powerful as they are meant to be. The heart of a lioness sings the song of working in circles and hunting together. Lionesses have no need for petty power struggles, but know of the strength each and every single one of them carries within and how to use their unique gifts to work together for the well-being of their pride. |
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