Animal Wisdom Speaks - Month of the Parrot
The parrot is a colorful mentor and teacher, playful and curious about the world surrounding him, travelling freely through all the realms, yet never going anywhere uninvited. He is a natural born diplomat, often called to protect, guide and accompany others on their journeys within.
Before he speaks, the parrot draws a breath deep into his heart and listens to its words of wisdom. He knows about the power behind all words spoken and unspoken, boon or bane. He says, “Be mindful of your words, spoken and unspoken, for they are the sparks that nourish the fire that creates your dream.” “Practice, practice, practice!”, the parrot repeats over and over again, “Follow yesterday’s steps with all the wisdom and skill of today.” The parrot is a great listener, sharp-witted, who takes note of every little detail. He uses his heart to listen, not his mind, for he knows his heart to be able to hear the truth behind every word uttered. It is his heart that answers and speaks, his true voice from deep within, his very core, boldly showing his true colors, while he is spreading seeds of wisdom and inspiration. |
“Practice, practice, practice!”, the parrot repeats over and over again, “Follow yesterday’s steps with all the wisdom and skill of today.” He keeps repeating the words that were born in his heart, until they become a mantra and a chant nourishing his fire and the fires of those around him.
He uses his own colors to create his dream, never taking away anything from anyone else, for he knows, that all he needs, he already carries within his heart. He finds joy and magic in every moment, each place he visits a part of a world filled with endless wonders and magic. |
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