A joyous journey in the world of copyright, patent law, fireflies, jealousy, envy and the Whodunit? soon to be published. A wee bit more patience is required.
Yes. This is a suspense builder. It is about the storytelling after all.
Kristin Raphaela Otti
PatG ยง 20 (1) & (2) are the the way. The inventor has to be named, it has to happen, the invention cannot be claimed as theirs by anyone getting them as an inheritance and even not wanting to be named as the inventor does not change that. The law - the Austrian that is - clearly states: The inventor has to be named.
A jester wearing a mask, looking at the world through alien eyes. The trickster is dancing the dance of cutting knives, wielding their tongue like a sword piercing through the disguises worn at their liege's court. Never take a jester for a fool. "Jester's Dance", coloured pencils, Kristin Raphaela Otti (2003)